Outline of the federation

Name General incorporated association Japan Go Federation
Date of founding October 4, 2019
Address c/- Japan Pair Go Association
Tokyo Takarazuka Bldg.
1-1-3 Yurakucho
Tokyo 100-0006
Tel. +81-3-3504-0171 / fax. +81-3-3504-0552
Representative Representative director, president: Taki Hiroko


As the body that represents the Japanese Go world internationally, our aims are to promote the evolution and international development of Go competition and to contribute to international friendship and goodwill through Go, together with planning the development and strengthening of players representing Japan and, in so doing, to contribute to the promotion of Go around the world.


  1. Registering with the public interest incorporated association the Japan Olympic Committee and cooperating in its activities
  2. The selection and despatch of representative players and officials
  3. Establishing selection criteria for players
  4. Determining and adjusting competition rules by participating countries and choosing attendees at international conferences
  5. Development, training, and guidance of players
  6. Anti-doping education and instruction
  7. Other activities incidental or related to the activities listed under each item above.


Representative director,
Taki Hiroko First Vice Chairperson, Japan Pair Go Association
vice president
Kobayashi Satoru Chairperson of the Board of Directors, The Nihon Ki-in
vice president
Ikenobo Masafumi Chairperson of the Board of Directors, The Kansai Ki-in
Director Ohbuchi Morito Executive Director, The Nihon Ki-in
Director Sakakibara Fumiko Executive Director, The Kansai Ki-in
Director Toya Takayuki Director, Japan Pair Go Association
Auditor Kojima Fumio Director-General, The Nihon Ki-in
Auditor Takiguchi Masaki Executive Director, The Kansai Ki-in
Auditor Minaki Taketeru Auditor, Japan Pair Go Association

(As of June. 27, 2023)